Sunday, March 18, 2012

To the Police

To the Police:

     I do not hate you conceptually. A peacekeeping force meant to stop evil people from doing things to harm others is a wonderful idea. However, to be frank, many of you are not that. Far from it, you are a plague upon our freedom as American citizens. You stand around, leering at the frightened people that you are supposed to be protecting like some huge street gang. You walk with your weapons and restraints hanging freely from your belts menacingly as you deprive us of our own. You roll around in your vehicles, flagrantly breaking every traffic law that you enforce and shining your accusatory lights upon gatherings of people, roaming for any sign of "trouble." You look to intimidate, imprison, and destroy people behind your guise of "keeping the peace." You are all wolves, in the end, and you attack in packs at any sign of opposition.
      Do you really think that you can move with total impunity? Do you think because you have a badge and a uniform you have the right to abuse and mistreat those who you are supposed to protect? Is that what you think? Furthermore, are your penises so small that you feel the need to prove how manly you are by beating, pepper-spraying, shooting, and arresting people who aren't attacking you? Young women, elderly people, mothers, innocent civilians, the homeless, peacefully communing protesters...all of these have been victims of your continued onslaughts of "justice." I scoff at you for pretending to care about the interests of US citizens, when indeed, those people are the ones you beat, shoot, taze, and otherwise assault as soon as they do something you don't like.
      I say this: one day the people aren't going to keep on taking what you're dishing out. I don't know how they're going to respond, but I do know that there are people in Philadelphia who are shooting cops on sight due to the civil servants' indiscriminate use of violence against the people. I am not saying that I am one of those people, but I will say that their decision makes sense, given what I've seen from some of you. I am taking more legal means to confront the situation. In the meantime, though, I feel the people's rage beginning to build as you all keep abusing the power bestowed to you by the state. You are children of privilege, ones that were given a responsibility to look after the safety and well-being of those you now oppress. You are not above the law. You are not Judge Dredd. You are supposed to be civil servants, not a pack of wild wolves that attack whatever entities you choose to when they do something you don't like. Your day of reckoning will come.