Tuesday, March 26, 2013


This whole national gun control debate on whether or not we should have more laws, less regulations, more controls and such is something that I find....well, hilarious.

Let me explain myself.

I am a 24 year old black male living in a horrible slum in the Northeast. The de facto protocol on guns here is very simple: minorities aren't allowed to have them. Period. The cops can, with ease, stop you, frisk you, tase you, mace you, and take your weapons from you, even if you have licensing and such. Why? They feel "threatened" by your possession of something you supposedly have a right to have. If they appear at your door and you ask them for a warrant, they use force to get past you, threaten to arrest you, or even use violence against you under the guise of you being "uncooperative." It doesn't matter what caliber, how large or small your magazine is, or if it has effective safety mechanisms on it. The cops will take your guns from you. That's just daily life for me and the people who live around me.

But threaten to do the same to suburban and rural people? Oh, THAT'S unconstitutional. THAT's an outrage.

"You can do that to those people, but don't take my guns away!"

You people disgust me.

On the other hand, we see the people trying to take the guns away rambling on about safety. Sure, some whack job shot up a school or a theater, made headline news, and brought the issue into the public eye. However, I've had to pull children away from gunfire on my block, and within a week two people got shot and killed on said block. Now, where were all of these concerned citizens then? Where were all of those well-meaning, safety conscious people who think that guns are the most evil device known to man and must be destroyed at all costs?

Probably too busy rallying and siphoning money out of the pockets of the rest of the country.

Furthermore, if you really want to murder a lot of people, guns are the least effective way to do it. Ask the US military about it. You know, dirty bombs, knives, Agent Orange, napalm, grenades, IEDs, mustard gas, stuff like that? All more effective, easier to access, and with a larger kill/maim potential than a gun with 8-30 bullets in it. Hell, mix a gallon of bleach and a gallon of ammonia and you can kill a whole house full of people in minutes. If a killer wants to kill, they will find a way with or without your stupid regulations.

Just ask the two guys that died on my block two weeks ago.

In the end, if you think guns themselves are the problem, you're a fucking moron. You are a product of a society that's been trained to treat symptoms, not core causes. People with problems kill others indiscriminately. Teach people not to hate each other enough to murder each other, maybe? Identify the sick and feeble-minded before something dumb happens? How about paying enough attention to those around you to be able to recognize a sickness and get help for them?

And for all of you whining about tighter regulations: just be happy that you can have a weapon at all. Yeah, it sucks that the government wants to take shit, but if you really want to keep something, you'll find a way. You know they just want to be able to stop a rebellion easier if it comes to it, so they put these rules out under the guise of doing something right for the country. Either fight it legally or do what we do: only have it visible when you need it.

Find me. @xXxAnarchosxXx

Monday, March 25, 2013


Alright. I've had enough. I'm sick and tired of people blaming one person for America's problems. Yes, the cost of everything is going up. Yes, it's really hard to find a job these days. No, we don't produce as many things in America as we should.

But you know what?


Neither was Bush Jr., nor Clinton, nor Bush Sr.

First off, let's look at the facts. An American president, while being the highest authority in the country, is ELECTED by the people. Yes, we know that the options were flimsy at the time, and we also know that the electoral colleges are a giant bunch of bullshit. However, ultimately the American people are the reason why these people get into office. We had a perfectly viable candidate that seemed to care about the American people, was against the war, and wanted to strengthen the economy (Rand Paul, by the way), but the general public dismissed him outright. Why? Do we want to get to shore, or do we want to sit around and complain about how much salt water is on the ship?

Secondly, did everyone just forget about Congress and the Senate when accusing Obama of "ruining the country?" We have entire buildings full of people who sit there, suck up funds, and write laws that people hate. These people have all sorts of corporate interests, lobbyists, and other things that influence their decisions, many of which are to line their own pockets. If you want to look at a pit of improperly spent money and bad decisions, there's a good starting point.

Speaking of improperly spent money and bad decisions...big businesses all over the world have become our ruination. The advent of outsourcing labor, importing cheap goods from foreign countries, and paying much lower than reasonable rates for hard work has made the majority of us have to live hand to mouth. Those of us who want to start businesses ourselves and escape the wage slavery that keeps us all in bondage are assaulted with fees, permits, fines, taxes, and regulations that are nigh impossible for the average person to pay. And so, we painstakingly watch our pennies, usually being forced to give them away before we can have more in order to survive in this artificially inflated economy we are subject to.

However, the ultimate fault for the demise of the country falls upon a very uncomfortable source. To quote a very famous actor, "truth be told...if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror."

You see, no one man can be responsible for destroying the infrastructure of an entire country. Many blamed Caesar for the downfall of the Roman Empire, but historical analysis reveals that there were a whole lot of small errors, bad decisions, and cultural conflicts that eventually caused it to crumble. The same can be said regarding America. We have become docile, preferring to grumble, complain, and blame instead of fixing these problems ourselves. We have decided to take the easy way out, letting other people run our country for us instead of taking charge. Whatever happened to the classic American vision of independence, intelligence, indomitable fortitude, and freedom?

The answer is simple. To quote another famous person, "You know the thing about chaos? It's fear." After 9/11, the government used the media to make you feel the need to rely on them more and more in a world that didn't fit our conception of a normal sphere of events. Images of horrifying things were implanted into the collective consciousness over and over again, the thought of the possibility of everyday life being shattered by some tragic event being hammered into our minds. Now, everyone with a beard and a turban was a potential enemy, and some boogeyman hiding in caves halfway across the world was magically able to attack every suburban and rural domicile. Suddenly, diseases of all types were being talked about and overblown (H1N1, Swine Flu, etc.) while the ones that really need to be addressed were left by the wayside.

In short, those of you who were old enough to do anything at the time decided to give the control we had away to a bunch of people with ulterior motives.

I was twelve. This was not my fault, yet I am suffering as an adult because of it.

"I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War. Terror. Disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense."

However, now that they're not doing what you want them to do, you blame one man. Now that they have taken what they have been freely given and done with it what they wanted, you want to blame one person for the faults of an entire system.

How dare you? How dare you grumble and complain while you sit on your ass and don't do a damn thing to fix anything? This was your doing! How dare you leave the detritus of your idiocy to my generation and the ones that come after me? How irresponsible can you be? You have all ruined the country for us, and we may see its downfall because of your laziness and stupidity! Now, the youth have to work harder and harder just to survive, and many will not make it at all. You have doomed us, you sleeping, self-entitled Gen X'ers, Baby Boomers, and elders who have let the country fall apart at the seams.



Friday, March 22, 2013

You Are Being Lied To

Most of the things you think are the truth regarding the history of Western culture are lies. It may not be your fault that you don't know that, but that is why I am telling you this today. American leaders, religions, and governments have worked long and hard to hide the truth of what the history of this country actually is. In order to keep your faith in their methods, rules, and theories, they have washed the blood off of their hands through lies and distractions over the hundreds of years they have been in existence. Things that are happening even now are glossed over by tabloid headlines, television programs, movies, and radio.

Time for some truth.

Lincoln did NOT want to free the slaves, St. Patrick was a murderer that killed off all the Pagans he could get his hands on, and racism is still alive and well in the minds of nearly everyone in this country. Black people take up 13% of the US population, but roughly 60% of the prison population. Women make twenty cents less per dollar than men on average. Louisiana is still demolished for the most part. The American military has steadily been at war for almost 12 years now, costing the country over $1.4 trillion to kill people that most of us have never met or know anything about. In the meantime, almost 10,000 children die in the US every year, and as of 2012, 16.1 million children are living in poverty in America. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, 46.2 million people in America are living below the poverty line.

Drug use is at an all time high, whether prescription or illegal, and everyone seems to be searching for some kind of distraction to keep themselves from thinking about real life. Even those who don't use drugs use things like religion, other people, the cult of celebrity, the internet, and any other distraction they can get their hands on to stop thinking about dealing with real life. People are constantly embedded in their mobile devices, computers, televisions, and other media, all while ignoring the statistics I mentioned above. Hollywood, entertainment, and all other forms of non-interactive media are a mass distraction, meant to keep the public docile and imagining a world that can never be as long as we all blindly follow the government and the rich.

And yet, with all these financial problems, somehow America spent $10.4 billion on the box office last year.

The chances of you getting rich, or even financially stable, are slim to none. If you are not already in a financially secure situation, you're probably not going to get into one. You'll probably have to work until you die just to provide some type of security for future generations, if your genetic lines are not exterminated or rendered non-viable by the end of your lifetime.The bourgeoisie are actively ripping every dime you have out of your hands, and the government is colluding with them to make it illegal to be able to live off of the wildlife unless you give them money you don't have. Hyperinflation is being induced by the businesses and the government, making gasoline, milk, and bread cost about the same per unit.

I am Null. I am here to bring you the truth. No more, no less. What you do with it is up to you, but I would highly encourage you to act in some way. You can fix this mire we have allowed ourselves to fall into. You have power to change things, regardless of what the world tells you that you are able to do. Will you?

Find me. @xXxAnarchosxXx 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Wearing the Daemon

     Despite what mainstream religion, culture, and such tell you, not everything is a matter of right vs. wrong or black vs. white. Even science is known to be in need of correction every now and again, taking things that are established as "fact" and overturning them with the flick of a pen (remember when Pluto was a planet?). Truth is relative to the situation, in most cases, and while there are many absolutes, in other cases things that are true now may not be within any given period of time.
     No other thing demonstrates this fact better than watching a person grow and mature. As we get older, our desires, hobbies, likes, and dislikes all change drastically from year to year. Maybe something we used to like has become something we no longer care about. Maybe our morals or opinions have shifted on an issue, or maybe we no longer identify with something that we used to. Regardless of what shifts in us, we all change in some way, and acceptance of that is paramount in an individual's personal development.
     However, it seems that America has taught us that one cannot be more than one thing. The media, popular culture, and old ideas create a mindset that wants to categorize people into neat little boxes. Many prefer to use blanket terms to judge people instead of dealing with them on an individual basis, quickly dismissing and filing away people in an effort to streamline the process of living.
     In response to this, people have actually been forcing themselves into said boxes, whittling away or hiding parts of themselves in order to fit in better with the people they do associate with. People cluster together around events, movies, objects, television shows, political idols, and other things in order to feel acceptance, hiding away the true individuality that makes them unique.These people have a way of latching onto each other, becoming a mob of people united under one (usually inane) brand, group, or logo with no room for disagreement. This type of behavior can be seen in sports fans, music group fans, and religious people from all brands of belief.
    The problem with this process is that a person is a product of their experiences, likes, dislikes, and the ideas of the people around them. No one person has the exact same experiences as another, though there can be similarities. Therefore, by concealing those parts that differentiate them from others, people are beginning to stunt their own growth as individuals.Think of the many of problems that pervade Western society: rampant drug use, suicide, racism, gang violence, narcissism, alcoholism, gender-bashing, mistreatment of the LGBT community...if one looks carefully enough, they may be able to see that the core of several of these problems is a lack of peace with oneself and the stresses of trying to "fit in" with expected norms. We are taught by our forebears and those in authority the antiquated thought of "if you're one thing, you're not another," and this poison of absolutes is slowly killing us. You see, to deny the existence of a part of yourself is akin to chopping off an appendage from your soul.
     This part of us that we pull away from ourselves is our hidden doppelganger, our "daemon," as it were. These pieces of ourselves that we cast aside coagulate together into our "shoulder demon," the one that whispers into our ears ideas that we fight away on a daily basis. We, due to our teachings, do our best to  ignore it, fight it, "resist temptation," or whatever other euphemism people use regarding their daemon, making it our sworn enemy that we must do combat with every single day.
      The problem with fighting all the time is that sometimes we get tired. As Lincoln said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand," and the worst conflicts are the ones that we have inside ourselves. From these come the external rifts that we create in our environments, mainly with other people in very trivial situations. Having given the "bad" part of ourselves a face, we have made it our enemy, and have therefore created a part of ourselves that we claim to hate and creating unnecessary conflict. However, part of our psyche knows that it is still us, creating a permanent tension between the factions in an eternal fight against the individual parts of ourselves.The symptoms of these tensions and opposing viewpoints are then noted in the behaviors of other people, this sudden noticing and critiquing the result of a projection of our subconscious mind onto the behaviors of others. We then either ignore or oppress the externalized version of the thing we are at odds with ourselves with, depending upon how we have dealt with the physical manifestations thereof in our lives.
      Upon reflection of that person, we must consider what are we fighting against. Are we really standing in opposition to things that are truly bad, or are we wrestling with and falling back on doctrines, rules, and such that society has taught us are wrong in order to keep control over us? Do we really want to be that person that follows the rules we live by, or are we just putting on a facade in order to be accepted by said society?
      It is with this thought in mind that I ask you this: are there things you do like that you are not allowing yourself to do in order to gain acceptance by others? Are you restricting yourself from acting in ways that would make you feel some sort of enjoyment in life just because some person or institution says you shouldn't or can't? Are these things actions that wouldn't have any effect on anyone else if you were to do them aside from possibly causing your peers to look at you a bit differently? Perhaps you should re-evaluate your associations if, by doing something you enjoy on your own time, you could be shunned.
     Of course, I don't encourage anything illegal or perverse (violence, sexual assault, etc), nor do I condone things that would destroy your well-being over time. However, I am asking that you take the time to examine your daemon. Look at it, know it, and become comfortable with it. It is also you, and it will not go away if you plug your ears to it like a child. Reevaluate your beliefs, look inside yourself, and begin incorporating some of the things you learn about yourself while studying your daemon. Eventually, you'll learn to wear it rather than fighting it every day. If you tailor it right, the whole of you will be comfortable in your own skin.

Even the naughty bits.