Friday, May 7, 2021

The Gay Agenda

Good day, World. So, to those who think the "liberal media" is pushing the "gay agenda," get this: 

For a very long time in American media, being anything but a straight white male was seen as terrible. Black men were all criminals, black women were all hoes, Hispanics and Asian women were all exotic and dangerous, and Asian men were all nerds. This was the media you came up on, with white straight men being the only protagonists that could be cool, roughneck bad boys that get all the girls. Now, slowly over time, we've seen the inclusiveness of different races and genders as main characters, and only recently have we been seeing black main characters in popular  movies that aren't either blaxploitation or specifically "black folk" movies, as the works of directors like Spike Lee and John Singleton are commonly seen.

So, you can understand as both a member of the black community and the LGBT community how much it bothers me to hear about "the gay agenda" being "forced" on American society. I've watched gay and gay-presenting characters be used as comedy fodder my whole life. The LGBT community as portrayed by Hollywood up until like the past decade has been absolutely shit on, and that's the reason you think people are forcing some sort of gay social construct upon you. Having a well-fleshed out character that isn't straight is not forcing an agenda. Having a main character explore their sexuality is not forcing an agenda. We've been here this whole time, doing your special effects makeup, designing your outfits, choreographing those dances on those music videos, acting straight on your screens while languishing in the closet. Now that we're writing the stories, though, it's "an agenda," even though secretly we've been writing them this entire time. We weren't allowed to state some things openly without fear of everything from violence to exile, and even in 2004 when I was a teen, I was not allowed to bring home a white girlfriend. Imagine the backlash I would have received if they knew I wasn't straight.

The LGBT community is full of creative, wonderful people and has stories to tell. You weren't whining about that lesbian porn you Googled, nor did you feel bad about laughing at how "over the top" the one gay character was in your favorite show. Now that the protagonists are starting to be queer, continue watching them with similar interest. Hell, the Greek gods that everyone remixes into "new" characters were all pretty bi, if you look at them deeply enough. 

In short, get over yourselves. We're not doing this for you. We're doing it because it's nice to finally have similar outlets to express ourselves that the straights have had for generations. If you're going to stop watching something, loudly announcing it to everyone you know and every other stranger you don't only makes you look like a prick.