In life, I have found myself involved in situations where whites have felt the need to use the word "nigger" around or toward me. Due to the fact that I am a black male of some size that has several non-typically ascribed interests and hobbies, this is not an uncommon occurrence for me. Here are some of the justifications I have heard from people over the years for using offensive speech whilst being righteously indignant regarding my discomfort with it.
"You were acting like one." Okay. So, what exactly does that entail? Why is it that when we agree, I'm just a dude, but when we don't, I'm that?
"You made me mad." Variant of the first one. Why does anger equal "Well, now I get to be racist!" to you? I've never once thought to be racist toward you during the whole argument.
"I didn't call YOU one." This comes with being considered "one of the good ones" in their area/vicinity. Being racist towards other black people around me isn't winning you points in the Friend category, and seeing you lapse into that as soon as you dislike someone is very telling.
"It just means ignorant." Why do you think it means that? Really think about it, don't skip the mental exercise. You may need it if you don't get it.
"You guys say it all the time!" First, way to assume every single black person in America and abroad is exactly the same in how we feel about that word. Secondly, do I speak like that naturally? Have you ever known me to casually say it, or do I do it purely for comedic effect every time?
"It's just a word." Direct translation: "I'm going to purposely say offensive shit. It's not my fault you're hurt by my actions. I'm a social parasite."