Sunday, February 10, 2013

Alright, Folks.

     I don't know how many of you will understand this, but we, the Americans, are at war with our government. There may not have been a formal announcement thereof, but this is indeed the truth. My reasons behind my rationale are simple:

1.) The government declared US soil a war zone, enabling them to search, imprison, detain, and even torture US citizens without notifying anyone as to what cause. The National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, was signed into law by President Obama earlier this year, is a law that states the during times of war, the US is a battleground, and anyone with suspected ties to terrorism of any kind can be detained indefinitely, have their writ of habeas corpus suspended, and be thrown into our oh-so-humane prison camps. The problem is this, though: who defines a terrorist tie? Is Anonymous a terrorist group to the United States? Does saying "Screw the government" or "9/11 Was An Inside Job" make you a terrorist?
     On a related note, HR 347, a law making it illegal to protest around anyone that is on a non-accessible Secret Service list, allows for the SS to declare public areas under federal jurisdiction. Naturally, this renders any important event worth protesting, like the RNC, DNC, and Congressional and Senatorial decisions, untouchable. They are squelching our voice manually, relegating us to the internet where we can be tracked and shut down if we speak loudly enough.

2.) The government is bullying popular media to keep dissenting ideas away from the majority of the American people. Those figureheads that use their grassroots influence to continue forwarding their ideas in spite of this are either labeled as terrorists or "Left Wing" nutjobs, or are otherwise demonized and portrayed to the rest of America as non-credible sources. This seemingly self-regulatory exercise is actually a pandering to government pressures, knowing that if they report on things worth reporting that the FCC, the government's media control arm, will exact swift and terrible vengeance on them. They do not want to make enemies of the government, so they report on nebulous things or things that have already gained enough grassroots popularity that they would be remiss to avoid them. Look at the bungling of  Occupy Movement reporting during its beginning stages. The misreporting of statistics, locations, and the real scope of the movement were a constant thorn in the side of OWS, diminishing its effectiveness in the public eye and twisting it to look like a gathering of hippies, druggies, and wingnuts a la Lollapalooza.

3.) The government and its affiliates are overtly supportive of discrimination.
     2012 was a year where people realized that the government and its control arms hate women, with attempted re-definitions of what rape is, slanderous attacks over the media about certain female political figureheads, and loads of restrictive state level laws regarding female contraception being both proposed and approved.
     Also in 2012, 86.7% of the victims of the NYPD's stop and frisk program were minorities. The ironic part? Only 1.9% of those minorities had weapons, while of the remaining 13.3% of non-minorities, 3.8% of them had weapons.
     On a nationwide level, 60% of the prison population consists of people of color. Only 30% of America is Black or Hispanic. You do the math.
     Only 21 states have laws in place forbidding discrimination based on sexual orientation, with only 16 of those allowing for gender identity as a part of the law.
     According to a survey conducted by, 78% of transgendered people who responded were overtly discriminated against or harassed in public schools, a branch of the government, and honestly felt they had no recourse. Furthermore, one fifth of the respondents felt that they had been abused by police during their interactions with them.
     In short, this country is perfectly okay with discrimination for the most part, a xenophobic mass of idiocy ever swirling around the bowl.

     In the end, I know that these facts and statements may not change your views on anything, but let's face it: the government has lost sight of its purpose, its members using the people as a means to attack the people as opposed to assisting their progress. Knowing these things, it is our duty to rise against these people who we have allowed to reign over us and make our country into what it is supposed to be.

Whether you see it or not, we are already at war. Will you fight or remain docile?

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