Good day again, World.
It's been a very long time since I've written here. In the meantime, I have gone out into America, my desire to learn and adapt without being crushed by the heel of modern society leading me on a great journey. I have experimented with making videos, creating music, and finding a career that did not leave me feeling empty and worthless inside. After several attempts to "fit in" with groups of people claiming to be there for my benefit, I have found none who mean what they say they do. The amount of friends I have has dwindled to single digits as I gradually uncover more about myself, and the desire to interact with others has similarly eroded away.
Additionally, the social, political, and economic climates have drastically shifted during my absence from this medium. Where there once was a shred of dignity and bipartisan effort is now cult-like worship and the purposeful erosion of faith in our political systems. Dictatorial leaders spout tripe and lies to the people, stoking fears while hiding the true depths of their disservice to those who they claim to protect. Indeed, the hypocrisy of these leaders is so self-evident that they need to go on the offensive just to hide it. Blame the media, blame the protesters, blame the people, blame the Democrats, blame everyone but yourself. Now, we are in a post-truth society, one that does not accept facts as valid and prefers to eat its own insanity over provable, correct statistics and figures. The news has become as it was in Orwell's 1984, where truths are overwritten by narratives, then turned back on once a new one is drafted by the powers that be.
Financial independence is becoming more difficult to attain every day. Landlords are artifically inflating their prices all over the country, charging more money to the poor and bad of credit than those who already have money and can easily afford said prices. There is a country-wide gentrification happening, and nowhere that one can reasonably afford to live has any infrastructure that works for the working man. The reason behind this is simple: greed. Those who already have land and property wish the rest of us to be slaves, using all of our time and money to feed their ever-expanding maws and stomachs. To those who say capitalism is the only working system, I say you're wrong. This is the end result of capitalism: all money consolidated to the top of the pyramid, leaving the bottom with just enough not to riot and kill the rich a la the French Revolution. The short plan: 1.) keep feeding the military so that if the people revolt, they can be dealt with using excessive force. 2.) overregulate every single aspect of people's lives so that we can take more money from them arbitrarily. 3.) Don't tax the rich; that's what the poor are for. Instead, actively demonize the poor, take away the programs we have supporting them, then tell them they're just not trying hard enough. 4.) Enslave every poor person and minority we can get our hands on through the prison system, then put them to work for free. We need to reestablish a slave class so we can really make a profit. 5.) Distract the people with baubles, widgets, chemicals, and circuses so that they do not realize that we are taking everything from them.
This constant grind has tired and frustrated me to no end. Before the sun rises, I am awake, my mind screaming with rage and looking for some sort of answer to my plight. How do I get out of my situation? What path is there to take? I have begun working for myself so I at least have some time to think rather than constantly being on someone else's clock. Even there, those who oppose me bury my ads under a bevy of theirs, using their financial strength to flood the pages with ads and push mine under. Do the rich never feel as if they are rich enough? Do they all feel as if their coiffers will never be full, or are they simply ensuring that to be the case by expanding them? How can a family of three or four need a ten bedroom mansion with a ballroom and seventeen cars? It is madness that those who already have to excess would feel the need to steal the pennies out of my pockets. Yet somehow, they do, with fees, taxes, hyper-inflating prices, and beating us to near death with their strength.
In short, I am broken. The world has gone mad, and I have witnessed it. While I know the only way is forward, I also have no idea what forward means in the modern day. Occupy Wall Street crashed and burned, and now QAnon has taken its place with their conspiracy theories and white supremacist overtones. Nazis have re-surged into the public eye under the guise of "Proud Boys" and Trump supporters, waving rebel flags and attacking people for thinking differently than them. When you point out these things to most, they claim you're overreacting or that "the left wing media told you that." You show people videos of horrendous things perpetrated by their cohorts, they say "Well, it was just that one guy/group" without bothering to acknowledge the poison that has affected everyone in the group. Truth is becoming irrelevant, and lies are spouted with smiles. The rich are eating us at an accelerated pace, and the words "independence" and "freedom" are now code words for the rich Right doing whatever they want to whomever they wish.
America has been falling for a long time now, and I am here to witness it crash.
I have been known by many names, but now, I am simply Null. The other names have left, for the other emotions have, as well. Hollow. Empty. Null.
Good day.
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