Tuesday, March 26, 2013


This whole national gun control debate on whether or not we should have more laws, less regulations, more controls and such is something that I find....well, hilarious.

Let me explain myself.

I am a 24 year old black male living in a horrible slum in the Northeast. The de facto protocol on guns here is very simple: minorities aren't allowed to have them. Period. The cops can, with ease, stop you, frisk you, tase you, mace you, and take your weapons from you, even if you have licensing and such. Why? They feel "threatened" by your possession of something you supposedly have a right to have. If they appear at your door and you ask them for a warrant, they use force to get past you, threaten to arrest you, or even use violence against you under the guise of you being "uncooperative." It doesn't matter what caliber, how large or small your magazine is, or if it has effective safety mechanisms on it. The cops will take your guns from you. That's just daily life for me and the people who live around me.

But threaten to do the same to suburban and rural people? Oh, THAT'S unconstitutional. THAT's an outrage.

"You can do that to those people, but don't take my guns away!"

You people disgust me.

On the other hand, we see the people trying to take the guns away rambling on about safety. Sure, some whack job shot up a school or a theater, made headline news, and brought the issue into the public eye. However, I've had to pull children away from gunfire on my block, and within a week two people got shot and killed on said block. Now, where were all of these concerned citizens then? Where were all of those well-meaning, safety conscious people who think that guns are the most evil device known to man and must be destroyed at all costs?

Probably too busy rallying and siphoning money out of the pockets of the rest of the country.

Furthermore, if you really want to murder a lot of people, guns are the least effective way to do it. Ask the US military about it. You know, dirty bombs, knives, Agent Orange, napalm, grenades, IEDs, mustard gas, stuff like that? All more effective, easier to access, and with a larger kill/maim potential than a gun with 8-30 bullets in it. Hell, mix a gallon of bleach and a gallon of ammonia and you can kill a whole house full of people in minutes. If a killer wants to kill, they will find a way with or without your stupid regulations.

Just ask the two guys that died on my block two weeks ago.

In the end, if you think guns themselves are the problem, you're a fucking moron. You are a product of a society that's been trained to treat symptoms, not core causes. People with problems kill others indiscriminately. Teach people not to hate each other enough to murder each other, maybe? Identify the sick and feeble-minded before something dumb happens? How about paying enough attention to those around you to be able to recognize a sickness and get help for them?

And for all of you whining about tighter regulations: just be happy that you can have a weapon at all. Yeah, it sucks that the government wants to take shit, but if you really want to keep something, you'll find a way. You know they just want to be able to stop a rebellion easier if it comes to it, so they put these rules out under the guise of doing something right for the country. Either fight it legally or do what we do: only have it visible when you need it.

Find me. @xXxAnarchosxXx


Iron Mike said...

Lay a gun on the table in front of them and say "do me a favor and watch this little bastard for me...make sure it doesn't go off and shoot someone!" Initially there will be a deer in the headlights look...then the light bulb comes on.

Chuck Funk said...

So when the police come to your door, like you described, and decide they want inside or something, and even after they inform you that they are staging a military take over...what exactly are you going to do about that? Whatever it is, it' won't be with your gun. You know that.

I agree with you, the real problem is a renouncing of empathy and decency with regards to the world around us and if we took care of our mentally ill, and elderly, and blah blah blah it would be a better place. I agree to the extent that we are all lying in a bed of selfishness that is self imposed. But I disagree that people who have looked around at the volume of gun violence and come to a conclusion that less people need to have unobstructed access to firearms are part of the problem. I think you're blaming victims there. Now when people start talking about how MANY bullets you can have and what kind of gun...it starts sounding weird -- my intent was never to throw support behind gun bans, I'm just saying...it sounds weird to deny that there is a difference with guns in recent history that needs addressing too.